Amani Health is committed to making the world a healthier place. And there is no better place to start than with YOU! Canada is facing an inactivity crisis and a huge increase in preventable diseases. This is why the Government of Canada enacted the National Health and Fitness Day Act on December 16, 2014.
Here are 5 easy tips to get out and get active:
1- Walk instead of drive. Whether it’s dropping the kids off at school, picking up a few groceries or walking to work, walking is a simple (and free!) way to introduce exercise into your day.
2- Replace the Sunday drive with a Sunday hike or bike ride. Invite a family member or friend for the extra motivation!
3- Join a social sport or activity club. You'll not only reap the physical health benefits but you'll also make new friends, which is great for your emotional health.
4- Get outside for a family walk after dinner, instead of watching TV or going online.
5- Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Remember, your legs were meant to move!
The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are numerous and far beyond the obvious. Exercise helps alleviate stress, increase your energy, boost your brain power, and help ward off disease. At Amani Health, exercise is a fundamental component of the Real You Program, which is designed to help you achieve optimal health and your highest potential. Contact us today to learn more about the Real You Program and the other services offered at Amani Health.