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Consulting Services: Corporate +
Government Wellness Programs

Leadership Enhancement

The consequence of today’s social ills and never-stop lifestyle is an unhealthy global society which has forgotten, or perhaps abandoned, the notion of self-care. In order for society to right itself, the world needs effective, engaged leadership. And the most successful leaders are those who are healthy, physically and mentally.

A healthy mind and body contribute to elevated brain function, sustained energy output, and physical and mental resilience – important attributes for any leader. However, leaders are especially vulnerable to health risks such as high stress. Often, individuals in leadership positions put others first and sacrifice their own well-being in the process. Unmanaged stress, which can lead to poor eating and sleeping habits, sedentary behaviours, and erratic moods, can negatively impact a person’s health, but also their leadership abilities.


What do we do? 

Dr. Neda Amani works with leadership teams to improve not only their physical health (through medical screenings, education on proper eating habits and exercise), but also individual's mental and emotional wellness. 

We collaborate with each individual holistically, creating bespoke programs based on individual needs, to meet everyone where they're presently at.

Our leadership programs run through physical health, emotional, social, mental and spiritual wellness. A variety of tools from mind training and meditation are incorporated to allow leaders to access their inner truth, which in turn creates more resilient and impactful leadership.


Team Wellness Programs

A healthy team makes for a healthy business.

Progressive employers understand that an investment in the health of their employees is great for business. Currently, 1 in 5 Canadian adults is living with at least one chronic disease. These long-term, often slow-progressing conditions have negative effects on workplace productivity and insurance benefit costs. The Public Health Agency of Canada estimates that chronic disease costs the Canadian economy $190 billion annually, $68 billion of which is attributed to treatment and $122 million to lost productivity.

Health and wellness programs are shown to reduce absenteeism, improve staff morale, and reduce health plan costs. Many employers consistently underestimate the presence and, therefore, the cost of chronic disease in the workplace. But in fact, a healthy staff is key to an organization’s success.


What do we do? 

Dr. Neda Amani works with your teams to address physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellness - in order to reach their full potential.

Our team wellness programs offer variety depending on the needs of each team. Our experience includes 1:1 coaching to 300+ person workshops (including virtual workshops), weekly and monthly workshops, working with middle management and core teams.

Dr. Neda Amani helps your employees connect to their inner truth and feel well throughout mind, body and spirit to reduce absenteeism, improve staff morale and reduce health plan costs. 

Clients we have worked with include:

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