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Massage Therapy



At Amani Health, massage therapy is an integral part of our healthcare philosophy. As we recognize that everyone deals with stress and injury in different ways, each massage treatment is designed to address your specific needs. For some, this will centre around optimizing muscle performance or addressing a particular condition. For others, massage involves easing stress or tension, creating a period of relaxation and reflection, or establishing a new relationship with the body. Often, it is a combination of several things at the same time.  No matter what the reason, your treatment will always involve your active engagement in being present in your experience. A mindful approach by both therapist and client guarantees the best results!


Massage therapy has the ability to affect people on a physical level and emotional level. As with everything in life, we cannot compartmentalize the mind and the body. Nor can we separate the effects that pain, discomfort, lack of movement, or specific conditions have on all aspects of life. To that end, a collaborative approach between your massage therapist and the rest of the Amani Health team will ensure a thoughtful and skilled approach is taken throughout your journey of transformation.


Facts about massage therapy (

  • Massage therapy can treat both acute and chronic conditions.

  • Massage therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps reduce discomfort associated with every day and work stresses, muscular over-use, and many chronic pain conditions.

  • Physical dysfunction, pain, and the effects of stress can be relieved or prevented through the use of massage therapy.

  • Registered massage therapists help to develop, maintain or improve the ability to move and achieve physical independence.

  • Registered massage therapists work cooperatively and effectively with other healthcare providers to optimize health outcomes for patients. 

  • Massage therapy can improve quality of sleep, pain, quality of life and anxiety levels in patients suffering from persistent pain and depression.

  • Lower back pain, the most common type of chronic pain, can be relieved by massage therapy treatments, with significant improvements in both pain and function.

  • Massage therapy can be helpful for symptom relief in cancer patients and palliative care situations.

Massage Therapy services provided by: Erin Whyte, RMT

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