The Real You Program

Shelley Murdock
Yoga Instructor

Shelley is passionate about getting people of all ages moving and helping them make it a daily healthy habit. Yoga is an integral part of her life and athletic life – it is more than a workout, it provides balance and ease.
Certified as a teacher in RYT 200 Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Personal Trainer and Kickboxing Instructor, Black Belt Taekwondo-Do, and studied physical education. Her RCMP police training in Regina, SK included: boxing, mixed martial arts, and judo.
Shelley’s first yoga class took place in the Dojang where she trained in Taekwon-Do, and she fell in love with the practice. Yoga improved her martial arts patterns and sparring, strengthened her core for weight training, and extended her long distance running by making her feel more supple and agile. While the physical practice brought her to yoga, over time it was the connection to mindful movement that won her heart.
Shelley’s Motto: Movement is sunshine to my soul – move more every day