The Real You Program
Tips for Managing
Advice on limiting news consumption and choosing reliable information sources
A compendium of great advice from unplugging to eating healthfully to help deal with stress and anxiety
Create a self-care and resilience plan for yourself and family! Ideas on how to do that and a goal-setting page to get you started. Click here for advice from the Mental Health First Aid organization.
Listen to this guided meditation to help you sleep and restore a positive attitude.
Nutritional Resources
Visit the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics for great advice nutritional support for good health and how to keep your family safe when shopping and preparing food.
Fitness/physical activity resources -
Harvard Health:
American College of Sports Medicine -
Association of Applied Sport Psychology -
For parents
Talking to your kids about COVID-19
Children and Youth
Youth Services Bureau provides information, opportunities and support that youth from 12-18 years need to make the right choices in all areas of your life.
For youth who are navigating mental health issues or want to help others Click here for
For Healthcare Workers and Staff
If you are a healthcare worker on the front lines, visit this site specific to you
Be a leader in your organization and commit to mental health and psychological safety in the workplace. The Mental Health Commission of Canada provides the toolkit on how to assess, analyze and implement cross-organizational standards and policies to help staff and employees benefit from a safe and inclusive workplace. Here’s a great video on how to get started in your organization:
Online activities and readings
Visit Kripalu, for videos, articles, and information on wellness
Stay connected with friends with Online board games and apps or have some fun at
Sign up the kids in your life now to get in on the fun. David Suzuki Foundation Plant Protector Academy
Reliable sources of Canadian and Provincial Information Viewing our website from another province? Here are some resources that apply to wherever you live in Canada.