The Real You Program

To our valued clients,
We are very excited to announce that we are open to serve you.
The safety and health of our clients and staff are of utmost importance to us. We want you to know that we will do so with great care and diligence and that we are closely following the recommendations from public health officials.
● Tuesdays 10 am-6 pm,
● Wednesdays 10 am- 4 pm,
● Thursdays 10 am- 6 pm
To book appointments, please email info@amani.health or call 613-714-1162
Please do not book an appointment or visit our office if you have:
● been out of the country in the last 14 days
● been exposed to anyone that has symptoms of any flu-like illness.
● experienced any symptoms of a flu-like illness.
Prior to coming to your appointment, for your safety and ours, please consult our SAFETY PROCEDURES below.
Following guidelines from Provincial Health authorities, the Ontario Medical Association and The College of Physical Therapists of Ontario, we have put procedures in place for your arrival to the health centre, your in person session, and for booking/billing, to ensure our clients and staff are kept safe.
● Please wash your hands prior to leaving your home.
● Masks are not required, but if you would like to wear one please bring it with you.
● Please bring your own water bottle if you require water during your session, as the water dispenser will not be available for
● If you arrive at the health centre wearing gloves you will be asked to remove them and use hand sanitizer.
● Access to the health centre and treatment areas will be restricted to ONLY those who must be present; caregivers, family members and anyone accompanying a client are encouraged not to enter therapy area.
● The washrooms on the second floor will be open to physiotherapy clients; however, we encourage you to use your facilities at home prior to arriving.
● The washrooms on the third floor will be open to clients waiting to be seen by the medical doctor.
● The washroom on the first floor will not be open for use to clients.
What to Expect on Arrival
● Please arrive at the time of your appointment – there will be no chairs available for use in the waiting area if you come early or for when you are leaving.
● We encourage you to wait in your cars or outside, until the time of your appointment, at which point you can come to the front door.
● Your clinician or reception will meet you in the reception area:
You will be asked to:
1. Answer important questions regarding your health and recent travels
2. Apply hand sanitizer
What to Expect Once in the Clinic
● Appointments are spaced 15 minutes apart to enable the previous client to have left the clinic and for staff to thoroughly clean down areas between clients.
● Your clinician will collect you from the front and will direct you to your treatment area.If you are a returning client you will be asked to go straight to the designated area after you have answered the health questions and applied hand sanitizer.
● Your clinician will be wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment through out your appointment.
● Your appointment time includes all setup & take down of equipment and use of washroom if needed.
What to Expect When Leaving
● Check with your therapist/clinician when your next appointment is/ admin staff will contact you by telephone/email to arrange follow-up.
● Please apply hand sanitizer before leaving the clinic
What to Expect for Billing, Next Appointment
● All scheduling/booking concerns should be discussed by phone or email. You may book your next appointment with your therapist/clinician at the end of your session.
● Where possible all billing will be done with credit card on file; speak with reception/admin to arrange other methods of payment.
The Amani Health team would like to thank you for your patience as we adjust to these new procedures in the health centre. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at info@amani.health or 613-714-1162.
We look forward to seeing you!